We are nearing the official 2-year anniversary of opening The Cradle, our short course. With that in mind, we decided to take a look at some of the more interesting numbers – you may even call them records – set at The Cradle over the last two years:

Total Rounds:



Scoring Record, Men:

19, Jack Heath


Scoring Record, Women:

24, Gabby Weiss, Marcy Newton


Scoring Record, Junior:

21, Clark Van Gaalen


Most Hole-in-Ones, Single Round:

2, William Holcomb V*


Most Consecutive Hole-in-Ones:

2, 3rd and 4th Holes, William Holcomb V*


*NOTE: We have to note that William Holcomb’s two Cradle records came on 

the evening AFTER his semifinal match at the 2019 U.S. Amateur at Pinehurst.  How great is that?


Fastest Round:

8 minutes, 45 seconds, Matt Barksdale and Robbie Zalzneck


Most Hole-in-Ones, All Time:

4, Robert Hoadley


Most Holes Played in One Day:

293, Robbie Zalzneck


Scoring Record, 1 Club:

27, Nick Armour, Robert Hoadley, Brian Anderson, Jack Schlemmer


Total Hole-in-Ones since Sept. 28, 2017:

297, including Gil Hanse

The Cradle’s 3rd Hole, “The Punchbowl”
The Cradle’s 3rd Hole, “The Punchbowl”